What is Gogglehead?
A fan of the Japanese manga/anime "Digimon" (Or, briefly, a fan of Joss Whedon's "Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog", until he realized that the term was already taken)
Jason had a Digimon-themed graduation party? Man, what a gogglehead.
Insult, originating from the anime
Despite the fact the Digimon show has been over and done with for some time, it still has a pretty hardcore fanbase, and the word is common on website and forums that still cater to Digimon fans, as well as other "kiddie anime" sites that host pages about
Often used affectionately.
That newbie didn't even read the rules before she started posting. What a gogglehead.
Tai always was my favorite character. I miss that old gogglehead.
A gogglehead is an organism native to rich and dense
The first Goggleheads were first thought to start only with
It all started as a curious and peculiar growth of a unique species, but as of late, it has turned into an uncontrollable epidemic, and in the eyes of the Department of Fish and Game, is a problem to the enviroment. To solve this, they have delcared an open season for Goggleheads.
"Don't worry about her, she's just another Gogglehead."