What is Golden Arches?
The hugely popular, overrated fast food restaurant named McDonaldz where they insist on puttin' a 'Mc' in front of everyword spoken in every establishment.
Their big yellow 'M' is what this term referz to.
Customer: I'd like a coke please.
Staff: Thatz one McCoke.
Customer: Forget it ya McWanker, I'm off to Burger King...
(I know itz not a proper example but who givez a shit, this is funnier)
Mc Donalds
I am hungry lets go down the Golden Arches
1. The global fast food chain that also has tremendous property holdings.
2. A pun on them - their fries when eaten in significant quantities make your shit turn gold - so your ass turns into the golden arches when they are on the way out
3. In sex - when two people urinate on one person
1. "I just smoked a huge joint, time to go to the Golden Arches"
2. "Man, after the bar I went to the Golden Arches and the next day I had to deal with the Golden Arches."
3. "..."
A variation of the golden shower. Specifically, when two men pee on another person from opposite sides, tracing golden arches in the air. Also possible for 2 women to accomplish, with some preparation.
Hans and Fritz gave me ze golden arches last night, und I had to towel off afterwards.
When a girl's g-string is showing above the top of her pants, for example when she bends over or crouches down low.
good code word for perving with the lads...
when a girl got some tig ol bitties...u call her Mickey D's.
"Yo, that girl had her golden arches all up im my face..she had me craven McDonalds"