Golden Rule

What is Golden Rule?


Biblical proverb "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Ironically, it was originally called the Silver Rule; invented by Confuscious.

It's inherently flawed because it only works if the person wants to be treated exactly like you.

"The real Golden Rule should go something like "Do unto others as you they would do unto themselves." -Gamache

See bible, golden rule, ninjas


Never, ever, EVER date your friend's ex without permission.

"Yeah, I wanna hit that, but Jeff would totally call the golden rule on me. And he wouldn't say sure anyway, because that pussy isn't over this pussy."


Those with gold make the rule.

Whoever is usually in charge usually makes the most, and the rules.


You touch it, You suck it.

Oh shit you hit him in the balls! You know the golden rule, now suck it.

See suck, head, blowjob, rule, golden


For older gentlemen, always going to the bathroom to urinate before leaving home, work, etc.

Cliff always observes the golden rule before going anywhere.

See pee, peeing, bathroom, trips


He who has the gold makes the rules


When your child askes you about the golden rule you could say "do onto others as you would want them to do onto you." or you could say "He who has the gold, makes the rules"

See powerful, rich, cunning, imperial


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