What is Goldendoodle?
Surprisingly not a gay sex act, but rather a canine crossbreed which is half-poodle, the "goldendoodle" retains all of the feminine qualities of a poodle while taking on a decidedly golden luster, thus making it somewhat more feminine.
Often purchased by men with no remaining sense of self under pressure from their wives or lifepartners, these owners will later vehemently deny that the dog is part poodle, but will shamefully shorten their vacations to return home due to the separation anxiety experienced when apart from their half-poodles.
Adam named his goldendoodle "Cuddlebug", but calls him "C.B." or "Cuddy" so no one will know.
A dog that is a hybred of a Golden Retriever and a Poodle (of any size).
My dog's mom is a golden and dad is a poodle, so he is a goldendoodle.
a type of dog that is a cross breed between a standard poodle and a yellow or a black lab.
very good with children, needs lots of excercise and lots of grooming. fur should not shed.
also see
"whats your favorite type of dog?"
A worthless breed of a golden retriever and a poodle, but nevertheless they have a funny name.
Chris "Hey did you see Michelle's new goldendoodle puppies?"
Beau "Yea...they look like a bunch of walking carpets..."
Chris "Don't let Michelle hear that..."
Beau "She did..I no longer have a left pinky..."
Chris "I'm sorry...Want a hug?"