
What is Good?


Ok with remaining the same. Content

Do you want some juice? Nah I'm Good


opposite of bad

"you're not bad, you're good!"

See etchasketch


To be modestly exceptional in bed.

Damn! You were so good...

See Jo


Slang used when talking to your pot dealer. Instead of asking if he has marijuana, you ask if he's good. Keeps your dealer under the radar, and he would appreciate it. SMOKE HERBAGE

My dealer was Good so I went and bought some of that Good Good.

See slang, pot, dealer, marijuana, herbage


(n.) high quality kind bud that often results in a near catatonic state

Say bra, you want to come over and hit a bowl of the good?

See kind bud, k.b., ganja, bubonic chronic


Absolute greatness. Used to describe the achievment of pure perfection. The state of being truly unbelievable

Look at that hat, i mean that thing is good!

See Tyler Durden


The opposite of evil, usually any act or thing which is associated with acts that enhance or protect society.

Also meaning in a less philsophical term something which is pleasing.

Teaching is ussually good.

That was so good!


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