Good Call

What is Good Call?


Standard reply to something agreeable or satisfactory

"Let's go and get wasted"

"Good call"

"I'm gonna get laid"

"Very good call"

"I'm gonna nail a whore"

"Hmmm...bad call"

See tiddlywinks


Used to agree with someone, specifically about something which shows the person's good taste in a surprising way.

Person1: So I just bought "Dulcinea"...

Person2: "Dulcinea"? Good call!

See The Grammar Nazi


1)Making the wisest of the wise decisons to get out of a tough situation.

2)To make a completly rediculous decsion that ends up working out in your favour or the complete opposite, having the worse outcome possible.

Good Call you fuckin jagweed

or more entuisastic "GOOD CALL!....douchebag"


A sarcastic phrase used when someone says something obvious or stupid.

Mikey:hey you got a haircut.

Tyler:Hey, good call asshole!

See Tyler


Something the Elmville (and only elmville) kids say when someone offers a sarcastic, tasteless comeback in regards to a situation.

Randolph- snorts

Nigro- Stop snorting, Randolph!

Scoots T-hom- She can't help comes naturally to her family.

JennyKay - Good call, scott!


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