Good Eats

What is Good Eats?


1. Food that tastes good

2. The best TV show on Foodnetwork (Staring Alton Brown)

1. That pizza was good eats.

2. Man:"Whats on FoodNetwork Tonight?"

Woman:"good eats"

Man:"What about Emeril"

Woman:"Emeril, isn't he dead yet?"


1) Food that tastes good and may also be healthy.

2) The best show on Food Network starring the hilarious Alton Brown who names the episodes after various movies or other puns. Part mad scientist, part top chef, Alton Brown teaches us that health food isn't the enemy.

He also makes a mean cheesecake.

1) Carrots are definitely good eats.

2) Did you see the episode of Good Eats where Alton made the carrot cake?

See good, eats, alton, brown, food


The best show ever made on the Food Network. Features Alton Brown and his amazingness. AKA my hero

Did you see the episode of Good Eats last night?

Hell ya! Alton Brown is my hero.

See alton brown, cook, food network, hero, tv, Mollis


Another way for something or some one looks good.

Tyson Stevens is Good eats

See good stuff, yummy, tasty


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