
What is Goodbye?


Something AOL users hear a lot.

Welcome! You've got mai- Goodbye!

See anonymous


The second worst word in the human dictionary.

Means leaving someone or something, and sometimes never seeing them again.

It was nice seeing you Emily... goodbye.

See goodbye, leaving, hello, hola, adios, hi, see ya, later


'God be with ye'

Are you still here?


In Portuguese it means "adeus"...

"Adeus meus amigos..." = "Goodbye my friends"

See goodbye, bye, sayonara


Salutation or greeting in the English language. Recorded in dictionaries in 1883

Goodbye, Goodbye, Hello

See i, dont, know, why, did, this


I said who's the imposter?

Will, the real imposter stand up????????


LOL, YOU Imposter!!!!!!!

The Real Kung Fu..... calls himself the



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