Google Bomb

What is Google Bomb?


1. (n) a collaboration of web pages which use a common phrase in the names of hyperlinks to the same address for the explicit purpose of making that address appear at the top of the list when that phrase is typed into a Google search engine. (This phenomenon is unique to Google since most other search engines don't include text from hyperlinks in their databases.)

2. (v) (-ed,-ing) to conspire with other web page authors to create a Google bomb by agreeing on the search phrase and victim site

The most famous Google bomb can be triggered by searching for "miserable failure". As of 1/8/04, the White House biography of George W. Bush is still at top of the list. Some counterstrikes have been made on Jimmy Carter's bio and Michael Moore's website, which now appear second and third respectively.


See above, but now "waffles" gets John Kerry's campaign sight.


miserable failure


"Weapons of Mass destruction" + I'm feeling lucky links you to another amusing page

If you are Donald Rumsfeld, click the bomb button.


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