
What is Googleable?


Something that is able to be found on the popular Internet search engine Google.

Mrs. Kim's husband is googleable.

See Lisa


A person of stature sufficient enough to warrant reasonable assurance that they will be found on google.

Mr. XYZ, with semi-stalkerish tendencies, believed that the subject of his fascination was indeed googleable.


Basically any internet venture, be it idea, website, service or anything else generally related to IT that is popular or innovative enough to have the potential to be bought out by Google inc. and be assimilated as a googlet.

One cannot always predict what is googleable or not. But if it sounds like a good enough idea, one can bet google wants it.

youtube, blogger, feedburner, doubleclick, even fucking adsense and the famous google maps.


Bob: omg guyz i think i just had a googleable!!!1123

uberunderdarklord1985: zomg quickly buy the domain name

See google, geekspeak, stupid


An adjective describing a person with a name unique enough to identify only them (or them and a minute number of other people) when it is entered into a search engine. Ironically, a person's name can be said to be googleable even if they cannot actually be found on any internet sites.

Man, there's no way John Smith is googleable. But Zippy McGillicuddy? He's googleable.

See google-able, common, general, ordinary, ungoogleable


v. Something which you may wish to search for on Google, or any search engine

"Try to find his email address"

"It doesn't seem to be googleable"

See google, search, engine, available, find


Any form of information or idea that can be sufficiently compressed into search terms via Google, such that the results yield contextually appropriate hits.

Googleable: "fenway park"

Not Googleable: "the"

See google, googleable, search, internet, web


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