
What is Gooklamont?


Gooklamont (Noun)

1. A victim of horrible burns to the face and other aesthetically important anatomical regions.

2. An ugly motherfucker

(Coined by Will Schenck, and another quasi-important Schenck)

"That's one ugly mother fucking Gooklamont"

See david, schenck, will, gooklamont, burn, ugly, mother, fucker, motherfucker


Gooklamont (Noun)

1. A victim of horrible burns to the face and other aesthetically important anatomical regions.

2. An ugly motherfucker

(Coined by Will Schenck, and another not quasi-important Schenck)

"That's one ugly mother fucking Gooklamont"

See david, schenck, will, gooklamont, burn, ugly, mother, fucker, motherfucker


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