
What is Goonhawk?


A duplicate mohawk shaved into the heads of kids who saw a cool dude with a tight mohawk and wanted to be as cool as him.

Jason: Dude your mohawk is awesome!

Chris: Shit yeah! Too bad all those other dorks saw mine and wanted to be as cool as me and now we have kids walkin around all over with Goonhawks.

See mohawk, cool, funyuns, jason, sucks


when people get mohawks, who shouldnt have a mohawk, they are actually wearing the goonhawk.

Jason: Hey Kroeger you should get a mohawk again it was awesome last time

Kroeger: Ok Jason you are always right i like your ass

Jason: Dude, you look like a goon, you got a goonhawk

See goon, mohawk, small, dick, chris, kroeger


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