What is Gorge?
short for
New shoes? They're gorge!
An alien in the game Natural Selection. Can be rather irritating if you are on the opposing team of it. Has the ability to spit loogies of death, heal teamates and structures of it's kind, shoot out sacs filled with bile, and spin webs to catch intruders. not very capable at combat, Gorges are more adept to build and heal.
Somebody kill the damn Gorge healing their hive!
Often thought to be a word used to describe a way of vigorously eating or a humongous meal, this word is also an adjective. Gorge is more than a definition can describe, its almost mythical in its meaning and can take on many forms. Gorge replaces many words such as delectible or delicious, it is in and of itself all of those things and more.
When somebody sees something that looks good enough to eat they may say "That looks so gorge." Or someone looking at a beautiful women could say, "She looks so gorge" or "I want to gorge her!"
It just means gorgeous or lovely or nice i say it and they say it alot in england
Do you like my new dress?
Yeah its gorge!
Ghetto part of victoria
alot of crime and gangsters
"Im from gorge, the ghetto'est place around"
"You gorge punk"
"Steven is from the gorge"
A large, Smellt, Salty, Red, Gross, Tunaish, Vagina. Often a man can fit his head in one. Also, Most Girls In CT Have One.....
Dude 1: Courtney's Vagina is such a GORGE.
Dude 2: I know it almost fucking swallowed me.
Big, badass gean-boosted monster from the Unreal Tournament series. He leads the Juggernaut team and at one point becomes champion.
"Gorge is more than just a survivor; he's a predator with a sweet tooth for suffering."
"Who needs a gun when you've got hands and teeth?"