
What is Gormley?


An excuse made to distract from the truth of a situation red herring

Matt pulled a gormley and called off sick with the flu from work today, but he actually drank a quart of grey goose the night before and feels like shit now.

See excuse, diversion, chicanery, subterfuge, duplicity, red herring


A Gormley is a vagina with copious pubic hair straightened using GSD's or the like. Also may be used in a more aggressive manner to describe someone as a cunt.

That bitch is so annoying, if she doesn't shut up I'm going to kick her right in the gormley

See cunt, vagine, vagina, minge


(v) 1) to engage in thoughtful passionate political dialogue, 2) to persuade left wing liberals of the error of their ways. 3) to life in a delusion that you are always right, due to narrow mindedness.

e.g. The old professor gormlied his young colleague friend from Washington D.C. and they lived happily every after.

gormlied (past tense) (n) a person of unusual charm, good taste, sophistication and an inflated sense of himself.

See Jock


a retarded midget that has an IQ of 1.5, lacks talent of any sort except for penis/semen consumption, can fit an entire banana in his mouth

Is that gormley with 5 cocks in his mouth all at once? wow, he loves that cock, he's been going at it for 3 hours!


pedophile whos the taste of the almighty cock, especially the cock of mr bowman, fr meehan, and mrs cogan(yes she has a cock), currently dating brian orzechowski, and gormley is the pillow biter in the relationship

is that matt ormley getting gangbanged by the entire varsity lax team

See dempsey


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