
What is Goshness?


1.word used instead of goodness,Oh my gosh,or Oh my God

2.a word when u have nothin to say and want to say something random

Bob:They found drugs in Bobba's locker

Jazmine:My Goshness!


goshness ˈgäsh- nəs

1. interjection, euphemism for likeness to God, —used as a mild oath or to express surprise or irritation.

2. used when one is frustrated or fed up. can be used as a substitute or in addition to "gosh" "geez" "shit" "damn" etc.

3. the state of being "gosh" or "god" hence, "goshness"

ex 1-

me: ugh, i totally just flunked my history test, goshness.


person 1: and so then he said she was a bitch!

person 2: "goshness! what was he thinking?"

See gosh, god, geez, goodness, shit, crap, damn, jeez, frick


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