What is Gothics?
"Gothic" is an adjective, not a noun. Therefore, a group of people can not be "gothics". "Goths", perhaps (though not likely given how little people know about the subject, especially people who refer to themselves as "gothic"). Similarly, "emo" (which, by the way, has nothing to do with Gothic anything) is short for "emotional", which, also, is an adjective, not a noun. Calling people "gothics" or "emos" just makes you look like an uneducated jackass.
"Look at the group of gothics or other adjectives! I need to wear a helmet when I leave the house."
i am tired of stuped ass shit a person whom is gothic just knows of the love within death not this steryotype bull
gothics - multiple goth type people
a person with a particular lifestyle preference relating to nocturnal, dark. and occasionally satanic subjects, who express it through their fashion. Not to be mistaken for an emo kid who has black hair and a black tshirt on.
The Goths baa'd like sheep, from the herd 3 feet over.
More of an image than a lifestyle.
Primarily concerned with appearance and aesthetics. very vain and sometimes sensative.
Their music is their lifestyle.
It's all about the music
Damn, that gothic chick looks tempting.
I'd like to feast on that flesh!
Suicidal, depressive, self-harming, anti-social, 'i want to kill myself', attention seeking beings.
4 out of 5 have suicidal visions, carve messages into their skin (can you say infection), bookmark rotten and ogrish websites, take prozac, and second look anyone who walks past them - they want to see if you are looking at them due to being attention seekers.
Usually unhealth in apperance (usually fat or skinny), pale skinned, walk like zombies and wear more makeup than britney spears at the mtv music awards.
attention seekers