
What is Goths?


A "Goth" is, loosely speaking, one who decides to separate from the mainstream culture for varying reasons (such as dissatisfaction with modern society, a will to be different, or just a liking to the styles whether it be music or visual or social).

Goths are not defined as someone who slashes their own wrists or sets fires to schools, that is what is called a masochist, vandalor sadist. A Goth, in modern society, is merely a lifestyle.

Although their image and demeanor consistently appears cold and reclusive, this is but a shell and Goths are more commonly found to be nicer than the 'average' stranger, due to their tendency to have intellectual/educated backgrounds, and artistic divulgences including the visual arts and musical talents.

A 'pure' Goth epitomizes beauty not in the way that you would say "wowzers she is A BEAUTY", but in the way that the ideal Goth strives for clear skin and pure complexion; the dark hair and garb serves to enhance the fair complexion of pure skin.

People carrying "Gothic" qualities does not relate whatsoever to their personality and/or attitudes towards other people, rather, their attitudes towards the many forms of art, community, and individuality.


As you can probably tell by now, I myself am a Goth. And a Christian (strange combination you say? *shrugs*). I don't cut myself, I don't swear, I don't think offensively of other people of all shapes and sizes (and colours et cetera) but I strive to be Me in a world where everyone and everything is just a copy of a copy of a copy..

There is freedom of speech, there is freedom of personality, and a natural Goth embraces the freedom of image.

Striving to be Me in a world so full of Clones..

See Josh


Goths. If any of the people who wrote the above negative defenitions have actually ever even talked to a 'goth', then i would be greatly surprised. There are many types of 'goths'. There are:










non-goths (wannabees)


You will know at least one or more of the above. Perky-Goths are the most widely known Goths in the 'Gothic culture' these people are always happy and are also generally the ones who get stereotyped. Metal-Heads and rivet-heads are basically the same apart from the fact that metal-heads are much more agressive than rivet heads. It is hard to determine between a Cyber-Goth and a Candy-raver. The only difference is that Cyber-Goths listen to slightly heavier music. Trad-Goths are a dying breed. They are mostly made-up the remenants of the Romantic-Goths form the 80's. These are the people who you associate with the stereo-typical goth (e.g. The people who think they're Vampires and only come out at night).

Metallers come along in the same catagory as metal-heads and rivet-heads. Grungers are more associated with skaters. They generally listen to Nirvana and Alice-in-chains. Never get these people along with metal-heads, rivet-heads or metallers, they will start the biggest mosh pit seen to man.

God-knows-whats are the people who you cannot put into a catagory. These people are not easy to find but look hard enogh, and you'll find them. Pure-Norwegian-black-death-metallers, probably the most frightening people you will ever come across.

Non-Goths are mainly people who think they are goth bacause they listen to 'Sum 41' or 'H.I.M' and they follow the 'Gothic Fashion' - wear all black, only come out at night think they're vampires et cetera... but they only do this to impress or scare the general public. During the day they're 'Normals'.

Fetishers are the people who wear P.V.C non stop, even if its 90 degrees outside. Also closely linked with Cyber-Goths.

Finally i would just like to say that there are many more types of goths than this. These are just a few examples. So, next time you want to ridicule one of us, take a step back and think about what you are saying before you say it.

Not all goths self-harm, or do drugs, or smoke, or drink exessive amounts of alcohol, in fact i can name many more towniesend up in hospital with alcohol posioning than goths. So please think about what you are saying bacause frankly, we dont care. You are a miniscule part of our lives that we could do without.


Goth is not a label. Goth is a real culture that expresses the beauty in darkness and morbidity. Goths usually wear all black, the color of their soul. They don't just wear anything black, the black clothes are more unique and elegant. Some Goths go beyond the black clothes and they wear thick eyeliner and black lipstick. Some make their faces white like a ghost and dye their hair unnatural colors. Goths can be Satan worshippers, Atheists, Christians, Pagans, Wiccans, or any religion. There are some people who give Goths a bad name and other Goths call them posers, but that is simply not true. In a garden, though some vegetables may be rotten, that doesn't mean they aren't vegetables. And as for Goths and non-conformity, what does Goth have to do with non-conformity??? If people join the Gothic Culture just because they want to be non-conformists then that is a very bad reason to become Gothic. People can be Gothic and still be individuals. I'm a Goth and I'm also an individual and I don't try to be different because there isn't any point in it. And Goths aren't all attention seekers. Many of us just feel comfortable looking a certain way, even if we have thick eyeliner and black lipstick, a pale face, and green hair. Not all Goths are angst-filled morons who have their mind set on blowing up their school. Alot of Goths don't even go to school; there are many adult Goths as well as teens. And I hate the word poser. People call other Goths posers to make themselves feel good. It's name calling, that's all it is, and it's very puerile. Calling someone a poser is definitely a form of bullying and it needs to be stopped.

I am a Goth because Goth is my soul.

I hate it when Goths get called Satan worshippers and it's not true and instead of just saying "I'm not a Satan worshipper" they go and say something negative about people who truly worship Satan.

I am a Satan worshipping Goth.

See poser, goth, teenager, satan, label, culture


are a very unique type of people who love and live the beautiful darker side of life

industrial goths, vampire goths, candy goths


goths are just people like everyone else and just because were not what others think is "normal" were suppsoed to be some kind of freaks. we dont drink blood,we dont hate everything, and yes believe it or not we do laugh!

we dont do it for attenton, we do it because we are individuals.we are just people who like different things,and we dont need any other groups making us feel like were lower than them. just because they are small minded idiots that clearly have nothing better to do with there life but to make others feel stupid just because were different. whatever u are u have a right to be ignore anyone else that tries to be "clever" by shouting dumb stuff at u.

goth walking down the street and sees a group of townies.

1#tonwie> errr look its a ditry lil goff.

2#townie> yeh b carful dey might try and cut ya wrist and suck ur blood.

goth just walks past thanking god they arnt that retarded!


I hate all you steriotpyical bastards! I am gothic, I do not hate everyone. I DO NOT WEAR MAKE UP! I do not think im a vampire, i do not worship satin, i do not hate people because they dont dress "goth" i do not hate preps just because they are preps. People just see a kid wearing all black clothes and chains and stuff like that and they all think "omfg! its a santin worshiper!" thats really dumb. Because all the goths I know are WAY cooler and nicer than the prepy kids I know. So stop being so god damn steriotypical before i go "GOTHIC" on you and suck your blood!

Gothic people are just people that enjoy listening to GOOD music. Even though they dont dress "normal" they tend to think more normal than your average american.

woo go gothic culture



goths are pseudo-individual.

See echolalia


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