
What is Gpcsc?


GPCSC stands for George Pindar Community Sports College, it is currently a secondary school in north yorkshire Eastfield.

It is run by a man called Hugh Bellamy who began teaching at pindar and really changed the school around as the previous headmaster was pretty crap.

The students are required to wear strict uniform which includes navy sweatshirt, black trouses, navy shirt, black shoes, Navy bra (for girls) navy underwear and pink socks.

The school also implements that teachers should wear uniform as well which i think is really good because they set an example the teachers are required to wear: Pink shirt, green skirt (for girls) green trousers (for boys) purple socks, red tie and Yellow bra (for girls)

In GPCSC you get a variety of students from different backgrounds recently there's been an outbreak of scabies which we're are very afraid of.

The teachers can all teach which is a good thing and we all behave in classes because we're good like that yeah.

When the inspectors visited the school the teachers put on a massive act making our school look good they all wore fancy clothes and made us walk in the corridors in silence which isn't usually the case. We got a good report though.

The main problem the school has is the year 8s they get spoilt rotten and have a rotten attitude too, they get there own special area where they can 'play' and we get jack-all. It's not their fault really it's just the their tutors don't disipline them enough and let them run riot, of course i can't complain i had a right laugh in year 8 and did no work whatsoever, so it kind of sets you back a year but that ain't too bad.

The leadership team are quite annoying they wouldn't let us leave school and forced us to do maths revision although my grup were allowed out because we are the top group. suckers!

I hope i have been insightful to the school GPCSC and that you have learned alot i told you the good stuff a few hinters: Lunch in georgios (cafeteria) sucks go to the C block on mondays (hide under the stairs no one can send you out, they can't see you) and the rest of the week head to Norton's room she is really kind and lets us have lunch in there.

Don't graffeti anywhere especially the toilets you'll probably cause a whole-school assembly which is like being sentenced to hell.

Never argue with an english teacher they teach english for a reason and will always out-wit you.

Don't joke with a maths teacher (they won't understand

If you want to get laid head to the back of the stage no one goes down there unless the they wanna get laid.

Ok so GPCSC is a super school and offers every subject to an average decree, with lots of room and too many students (which makes not very much room)

Jake: I go to GPCSC

Zoe: Chav!

Rachel: no he's emo

Teacher a: no he's geek

Teacher b: no he's nerd

Teacher a: same thing

William: no he's camp

Yxi: he goes to GPCSC he's emgeekerdcampchavster

Zoe: of course he goes to GPCSC he's multi culture

Yxi: yeah yeah yeah yeah

William: i'm camperdeek

Yxi: so that's camp, nerd and geek

zoe: sounds bout rite

See gpcsc, school, secondary, teacher, george


GPCSC is a school somewhere in eastfield - GPCSC stands for George Pindar community sports college (shitty name if you ask me and it's a nightmare to write out if you're asked to write it out fully)

This school takes in everyone no one is refused entry. Sounds good huh? every single kind of person is accepted regardless of your morals, personality, past, race. Great the school is a haven for future murderers, psychopaths, thieves.

But surely you'd think a school willing to take on such people would at least teach them 'right & wrong'. Well quite frankly 'wrong'. From personal experience all i can says is GPCSC has taught me humans are cruel, selfish, violent beings. Shame really but i guess the saying is true... 'The truth does hurt'

But don't fear though if you are intelligent; capable of getting straight As - you'll be treated like royalty, they'll keep you within select social groups making sure your not influenced by the rest of.. 'us' They'd never dare step one foot out of line with you - so go one enjoy it have all of them crawling at your feet.

We don't hate you 'nerds' as you may be titled, in fact we are just like you we're the same beings - but you act as our superiors you're arrogant, selfish, snobbish people. Wait do I see a striking resemblance between the 'our lot' and yours?

Anyways i hope that gave you and insightful look into GPCSC, all i speak is truth perhaps heavily opinionated but true and everyone knows it.

And hey if the Head ever reads this I hope you realize the terrible state your school is in. The cracks are beginning to show, there are many flaws in its design. I too failed to see this until too late i was already drawn in by its 'truth'. It has corrupted me as it has done many.

The school is not just a structure made up of bricks - it is a a place made up of energy, energy for learning. Teaching wisdom to the youth is challenging thing and needs lots of energy. But when that energy becomes poisoned by desire, over-confidence, fear, so do its users who become tainted unknowingly.

'Its' almost psychotic presence weaves it's way through the souls of others feeding them with negativity, clouding their vision. The school is becoming a dark place. Stop the parasite, stop the darkness before it is too late.

GPCSC Remember - you are worth not for what you have, not even for who you are, but for what others have become because of you.

See gpcsc, school, george, community, sports, college


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