
What is Grand?


and G

one thousand dollars

I paid 20 grand for that truck and now it's ruined.


fine, alright, okay. slightly more affirmative than the aforementioned depending on the tone in which it is delivered. widespread usage in ireland within all classes with perhaps the exception of politicians and the highly priviliged.

howrya man havent seen ya in a good while? as sure im grand, not a bother on me

See bud


Ah. I see you're new to slang.

Grand: $1,000

Idiot poker star: I just lost 10 grand to a bluffer tonight!

Friend: Harsh.

See thousand, dollars, grand, money


a term to be used in sarcasm. when one truly doesn't care about what is being said. it can also be used to define one's mood; a person isn't doing great nor sad, one is content and neutral.

Jo: "i got a new dog!"

Cynthia: "that's grand"

it is used in the context of that's nice, but i really don't care or i care but not enough to elaborate.


your terrific-radical-me:-), he/she is definatly grand

Clifford tang is so grand he is a tyte person:-D


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