What is Granola Bar?
The person who is crazy in several ways. To have different nutty components of ones personality that interact to produce a negative effect upon the person.
Danny is both detail oriented, laid back, likes older women and drives a dodge neon. Danny is a granola bar, seven different kinds of nuts. "That girl up at the desk is a granola bar, seven kinds of nuts"
"granola + bar = granola bar."
-wise words of
girl: whats a granola bar?
martin: granola + bar = granola bar.
girl 2: nice explanation. that'll totally clear things up for her.
The act of defacating in a partner's mouth when the poo is unusually nutty. It is often ingested after the act of depositing
I granola barred in Tiffany's mouth last night, you should have heard the crunchy sounds she made for hours after that.