
What is Great?


A very sarcastic way of saying NOT GOOD.

"Well, that was just f*cking GREAT!"


good exagerated

wow, that was great!


1. Relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind.

2. More than usual.

3. (used of persons) standing above others in character or attainment or reputation.

4. Of major significance or importance.

5. Remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect.

6. (informal) very good.

7. Uppercase.

8. Marked by active interest and enthusiasm.

7. In an advanced stage of pregnancy.

Arnab Roy chowdhury is great


A word that if, you spend enough time, will fine about 1000 synonyms for.

What does great mean? Maybe we shouldn't go there...


Any movie that is better then Notting Hill.

Hellraiser is Great.

See great, sex, fuck, stupid


1. (adjective) describes something better than good

2. (adjective) when used with sarcasm, describes something that sucks.

3. (noun) an accuracy value assigned in Konami's music simulation game Dance Dance Revolution. Better than "Good", not as good as " Perfect".

4. (verb) the act of getting greats, whether deliberately or not.

1. "Sure, pizza sounds great!"

2. "Oh look, I got parking ticket! Great. I'm glad to see cops are keeping the peace around here!"

3. "Whoa, you FC'ed Trip Machine Survivor? How many Greats?"

4. "I greated the shite out of Murmur Twins on Supernova! Something's wrong with that song."

See aaa, perfect, ddr, fc, marvelous



great is a word used to describe a very attractive member of the opposite sex. (at least it does in NORN IRN)

dya see that guy hes grreat


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