Great Britain

What is Great Britain?


nice little island where you can get free healthcare, good football, good tv and marks and spencers.


A small group of islands north of Europe from which the modern world was born, without which America would be called 'The United States of Spain.'

Don't bother arguing to the contrary, 'cause you know Britain has more soul.

Alan: How can such a small island do so much for the modern world?

Geoff: It's 'cos they're British!

Alan: roflmao!!!!!111 oh yea!


An often misused term. Great Britain in the geographical sense refers to the largest of the 800+ islands that make up the British Isles.

In the political sense it refers to the union between Engalnd Scotland and Wales, and the central government of the same. (Add Northern Ireland into the equation and you get The United Kingdom)

Most people in Britain refer to themselves as English, Scottish or Welsh, Not British.

See black flag


A cool little country that pwns all

Great Britain aka UK aka (by some Americans) England (i aint saying england aint a pretty sweet place but the country i live in is Britain so lets call it that)

See gb, uk, england


Great Britain is a collective nation consisting of four smaller countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Britain is the country that began the modern era and gave birth, during its colonial years, to many other ex-colonial countries including Australia, The United States, and Canada. Britain has immense political power for its size, and is also a major military power.

Britain also has great history, great healthcare and also the greatest education system in the world with world famous universities such as Oxford and Cambridge.

One thing that is forgotten by many American wankers is that they are, in effect, British. Great Britain has made one major blunder. Britain allowed America to create itself. The world's largest and best-trained military power was defeated by cowards, aided by Frenchmen. The fighting of two wars at once caused Britain to devote men to murder France, whilst the Americans snuck victories in the colony.

To those Americans who hate us British, you probably hate the French too. You Americans are either descended from honest British men, traitorous British men aided by Frenchmen, or you are yourself descended directly from a Frenchman. So you can stop poncing about calling everyone who doesn't live in your shitty 200 year old country full of non-native a 'fag' in your fucking stupid accents, and just accept that we are at very least your equals.

American: Hey, ur a British douchebag!!!1!!onehundredandeleven!!!1

British bloke: Stop making such an idiot of yourself. Great Britain and America are old allies and we should respect eachother.

See britain, england, pride, history, greatness


An area that's prefix 'Great' refers to it being the whole of Britain, a larger area than the archaic meaning of Britain. For that reason, lots of towns and counties have this prefix, for example Farnley in Great Farnley.

England is in Great Britain.

See rarr


The two GREATEST things to come from Britain? America and the Beatles.

i love you awesome british people!

See kate


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