What is Greatest Videogame Charactors?


Here is my revised list. Disagree with me and you are wrong. Get over it.


1) Duke Nukem ; duke nukem

2) Solid Snake ; metal gear

3) Shao Khan; Mortal Kombat

4) Tank Commander; Quake

5) Mr.t ; Rocky

6) The undertaker ; WWF/WWE games

7) Lara Croft; First tomb raider only, they made her really sappy and retarded after that.

8) Liquid snake; metal gear solid

9) Xiahou Dun; Dynasty warriors

10) Guy from doom; Doom

11) Nemesis; resident evil

12) Vercetti; GTA

13) Purple Satan; Hexen (what youmean you never played it? Best doom clone ever!)

14) Venerable Uncle Fu; GTA (the first one, in case you wonder which)

15) Knucles; Sonic the hedgehog

16) Tal'set; Turok

17) Teflon Mike; Roadrash

18) BD Joe; Crazy Taxi

19) Team Lard bombardier; hogs of war

20) Chris Redfield; resident Evil

In addition, here are the worst three

3) Gordon Freeman ;half life

2) Konoko; Oni

1) Raiden; Metal gear solid

See Gumba Gumba


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