Green Line

What is Green Line?


Possibly the greatest of all Sydney train lines, brother to the orange line.Green line completely shits on all other lines in the Sydney metropolitan region, and possibly in the world. although there is a popular culture for blue line and its destinations, everyone knows it's just full of metro faggots and emos on there way to "maranda" (biggest hole). these "emos" and "metro's" say that their precious blue line is greater simply because the last time they found themselves on green line they had to hand over money, phones and/or possibly their shoes. this simply shows how pussy blue line kids are compared to green line kids.

green line has been producing Australian's toughest kids for generation with the slogen "harden the fuck up blue line".

one may find themselves confronted by angry lebos,fobs,lads ,triads and bogans on green line but simply say green line rep'z and your in the clear. (excludes blue line kid's, they will no your blue line because your shoes will be new).

green line represent.

See green line


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