What is Green Mountain Valley School?
Green Mountain Valley School sits atop the luscious mountains of Waitfield Vermont, where one might look upon and consider it beautiful. This is at first glance. The read truth of the mattter is that this shit ridden hellhole is full of stuck up bastards who look down upon those not wearing the latest falls styles. They find themselves to be better than the average man, meanwhile once out of their bubble on Bragg Hill they will realize they are no better than the rest of the dog shit townies in the valley. So get the fuck off your high horse GMVS, because no questions asked, you really suck.
Green Mountain Valley School really took a big dick in the ass today during the soccer game at Harwood.
I saw a GMVS-er with a sign on the side of the road today reading "Will ski for crack"
A ski academy in Vermont, where kids ski five or six days a week and go to school afterwards. Kids are very focused but deffinately like to have fun,innocent fun such as floor hockey and dodgeball are classics. A great place to find over acheivers. There is a constant rivalry with local public school Harwood Union High School but otherwise, GMVS-er do their own thing. For lack of anything else to do, random hookups are common, but word spreads fast. Typical kid is either loaded or on scholarship, in which case, they must do 100 work hours per year. The state of the art facilities are open to the athletes most of the time and very few actual boundaries exist. The spring and summer are full of outdoor sports, rainy days mean lots of movies.
"I'm not gonna lie, training was sickkk today."
Green Mountain Valley School sucks at soccer