
What is Greener?


Student of The Evergreen State Collegein Olympia, Washington.

What do you mean you don't have grades and live in "the soup"? You must be a greener.

See evergreen, greener, olywa, olympia, lacey, geoduck


Someone who attends the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA.

A stereotypical greener will have dreads, dress like a homeless person, smell like a wet dog who just smoked a pack of clove cigarettes, and live off of their mommies and daddies. In reality most greeners are very nice, clean, upstanding members of the community, their reputations are just sullied by the dirty hippies who are majoring in pottery.

Girl: "What's the quickest way to starve a greener?"

Guy:"I don't know."

Girl:"Hide their mom's credit card under a bar of soap."

See olympia, hippie, greeners, evergreen, corporate


phlemgy, snotty spit or bogey.

See frenchie


A small package of nasal discharge which seems at home clinging to the end of the nose or drooping out. This tends to create an awkward social situation for the owner of the "Greener."

"Dude you may wanna sort that greener out, it looks like its trying to escape."

See nose, booger, bogie, snot, gross


friendlier to the environment and to all creatures

Greener fuels are safer.

See me


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