
What is Grief?


to trouble, cause problems, or otherwise harass.

Yo! Quit giving me grief.


1. A profound mental anguish that one feels when one loses a loved one. Often accompanied with feelings of sorrow, regret, anger, guilt, and feeling very lonely.

2. An annoyance, frustration or difficulty.

"Grief at the absence of a loved one is happiness compared to life with a person one hates."

1. In his state of grief over losing the love of his life, Hank turned to liquor to ease his sorrows.

2."I swear, you give me nothing but grief over the way I clean the house!" Lucy said to her mother-in-law.

See sorrow, sadness, guilt, anger, loss, lonely, regret, heartache


An emotion of extreme anguish, generally in association with a major loss.

The death of his mother caused the young boy much grief.

See Donald


An emotion of sadness or anger generally associated with a loss.

The boy felt much grief due to the loss of his mother

See donald


The feeling of being so depressed that you can't even jerk off because it seems like too much trouble.

I'm in too much grief to think of an example.

See depression, sadness, pain, suffering, joy


A sexually transmitted disease usually transferred from female to male

"Sorry, I can't come out this weekend- my girlfriend has given me grief."

See relationships, dating, happiness, sadness, strife


The emotion a person experiences upon losing their last peanut.

*drops peanut*

I think I'll just go shoot myself then


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