What is Grigg?
The act of transforming ones self into a fresh lettuce-esque state of mind thus becoming 98% water and 2% nothing. Usually induced after inhaling some good cannabis.
Did anyone else notice after Ryan toked those cali-buds he was something of a grigg.
1. to fix on the cheap with little effort
2. to go to extraordinary lengths to get something free or cheap
"He's griggin"
"Grigg that bitch!"
"How did you afford those new wheels? He grigged that bitch!"
"Grigg that template!"
"That's the griggsten way."
verb. Acronym for Getting Ready Instead of Getting Going. Used to describe actions that are counterproductive to the goal; similar to procrastinating by using preparation as an excuse to performing a job.
Max can grigg for hours preparing to start his homework. First he needs his favorite pencil, then he can't find his notebook, then he calls a friend to clarify the assignment and so on until the night falls.
We should have started running 90 minutes ago but Caroline wanted to change her shoes and download some songs and then sync her ipod and she's going to grigg my morning away!