
What is Grille?


your mouth / teeth

This fool was trippin' and got all up in my grille.

See PG


a bad excuse for rappers to neglect their oral health. since they do not brush their teeth, the dentist has to cap or crown the tooth with the extreme decay. another way to say a mouth full of cavities.

dentist: 'ok paul wall, you have a mouthfull of cavities. im going to have to give you a grille.'

paul wall: 'will it hurt?'

dentist: 'no, jus ask ur other friends wit grillz."

paul wall: 'ok, give me a grille."


the whole face piece

dude your grille is fucking busted


1) The front opening on a car or truck designed to allow air to pass through to the engine and radiator.

2) A cosmetic dental apparatus or any number of such apparatii affixed to the central and lateral incisors for purposes of "blinging".

1) I just ordered a new racing grille for my Civic. It's supposed to add 15 horsepower

2) My grampa just got a gold grille for his dentures & damn do they shine

See grill, grille, teeth, teef, pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism


The front end of an automobile or truck

After I hit the deer, i had to replace my grille


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