
What is Gripfast?


The best damn boots in the world.

With the fall of Doc Martin's (as they're now being made in China, and their quality is slowly diminishing) these boots have been making a steep rise on the industrial, skinhead and punk scene.

Steel toed boots made by White & Co., a family business that started over 100 years ago (1890).

They're considered the best in British military, police and work.

Full grain leather uppers, year welted constuction and set on an an original UK army last .22mm Commando Double Sole, reinforced with screws.

These boots are made for kicking ass and blazing through the backstreets of the city.

I wear my Gripfasts every day.

Mall goth: omg thos boots r so kewl, were did u git them?!?!!?!11!? hot topic@?!2/!?!?1

Me: ::Proceeds to kick the shit of out him with my Gripfasts.::

See boots, doc martins


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