
What is Grungers?


A person who listens to grunge music (e.g. Nirvana) and dresses in the style that such bads adhere to (e.g. baggy, usually untidy looking, clothes). Others could be perceived to be grungers due to dressing in that style of clothing although they may not listen to grunge. To be a "true" grunger the person must do both.

Grunger= Music and clothing style match

Perceived grunger= clothing style only

Closet grunger= music only

See Moon Monkey


Those who listen to alternate rock, and do not dress to please other, and do not follow fashions like sheep

Alice In Cahins (grunge band)

Kut Cobain (grunge singer)

See Sky


Grrr... These chavs giving definitions of things they simply will never understand...

Grungers are not adhereing to a uniform, it is just the clothing we like. And quicksilver bags? Isnt that a brand? I as a grunger refuse to wear brands. I wear Jeans coz they are comfy and a nirvana/kurt cobain top becoz they are my second fav band and i cant b bothered to buy a machinae supremacy shirt online. I would wear other band tops if i had the money to buy them.

Another thing Nirvana isnt the only grunge band. Kurt himself hated the word grunge and called his band alternative Rock. For example there are another 3 that make up the big 4 and plenty more.

So for all you ignoramouses out there i cordially invite you to fuck yourselves

Sorry this is just a rant but i think i have included a definition in here somewhere

P.S. i cant spell, but i spell better than a chav :)

Chav: luk @ ma 50 cent album blud. I is well ard bruv. Oi u grungers scum, your mum!

Somebody with an iq higher than a boiled egg: Shut up u fucking chav, go and listen to some decent music and get an education

See grunge, kurt cobain, grunger, nirvana, chav


Great people. Steven Amos should give up insulting them arsehole.

You what grunger?


Usually teenage or early twenties. People who listen to rock music and wear alternative clothing.

Nirvana are a grunge band.

See Jade


People who dress in dark clothing and listen to decent music not like that townie crap that sound like it was made in a toilet!!!

People like me


The mortal enemy of the Scobe. Like the scobe, can generally be seen wearing a hoody. Except that instead of Nike, Addidas or some stupid rapper, it will advertise Kurt Cobain, or some metal band. Generally wearing baggy pants and long hair that always needs a wash, they do share one interest with the scobe. Hash.

Most grungers become grungers because they claim to not wish to conform to trends. However, in doing so the grungers themselves have become conformists. The only basic difference is the type of music they listen to.

The grungers were hanging around asking for skins.

See greasy, skater, nirvana, scobe, hoody, Snake


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