
What is Grunt?


The term "grunt" is used in the military as a general term for someone who's MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) is "Infantry". In the Marine Corps all MOS' preceeded by the number "03" are Infantry. About as "grunt" as you can get in the Corps is "0311 - Basic Rifleman".

The opposite of a "grunt" is a "pougue", which is a derogatory reference to pretty much anyone who isn't a grunt, but normally reserved for Marines who work in an office or some other rear-echelon job as part of their regular duties ("In the rear with the gear"). Call a pougue a "grunt" and they love it, but call a grunt a "pougue" and see what happens :-)

"If you ain't a grunt you ain't SHIT"

"The grunts at Phase Line Echo report multiple hostiles, scattered small-arms fire and are currently engaging."

"The fuckin' grunts always come to our E-Club and start shit."

See marine, cannon fodder, soldier


Grunt is an acronym used during WW2 for troops who had no formal training, or skills. G-general, R-replacement, UNT-untrained,...GRUNT, as they had no special training, they were given rifles and sent to the front.

Grunts do all the fighting.


A guttural noise made for several different circumstances: happy, sad, yes, no, oh yes, oh god yes, during sex, taking a shit

GRUNT ooooo yeah

GRUNT - ah man

<wife> Are you gonna take out the trash?

<husband> GRUNT

See Dave


taking a grunt is also known as taking a shit.

"dude, c-ya in a minute. gotta go take uh grunt!"

See dump, shit, poop, unload


The warriors on the battle field, the men in the shit. The ground re-enforcement unit for any armed forces.

There is no higher honor than being a grunt in the Marine Corps infantry

See _____


To emit excretement.

"Wait up, I have to go take a grunt."

See x


Us Military personnell who get to see who they kill as part of their normal battlefield duties.

Yeah, the grunts went into that building outside tower five. They haven't come out yet and we still here them cappin' off rounds.


The minor Race of the Covenant in Halo 1 and 2. They carry Plasma Pistols, Needlers, and Fuel Rod Guns on the last level of Halo 1. They often Make very funny comments. "DEAD DEVIL" can be heard alot. A couple of shots from a battle rifle or one hit ofthe gun will kill them.

Those grunts tryed to flank us but we stuck a plasma grenade on them!


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