What is Gst?
Gay Standard Time
15 minutes late for everything.
"Coming in late isn't a problem; my boss understands that I'm on GST, and is just thankful that I'm not on drag queen time."
Gouging and Screwing Tax; invented by Brian Mulroney's 1993 Progressive Conservatives = 7%; see also Canadians, eh, Goods and Services Tax; temporary measures; bad polictal moves
1)You item costs $10 plus 7.5% provincial tax, plus 7% GST.
2)"Progressive Conservative" Party lose catastrophically, with GST the main issue. Conservative Party goes from governing party to a minority too small to be official any more: an unprecedented rejection! (from Sales Tax Suicide)
The turbo version of the Mitsubishi
Damn that GST just kicked my Civic ass.
1. Goods and Services Tax. A value added tax, added as a percentage to the cost of everything.
2. Get Shitfaced and Throw up. A party where excessive drinking is encouraged, to the point of emesis.
I hear the government introduced a GST, so I'll have to pay an extra 10% for the keg I'm buying for tonight's GST party.
The tax (along with stuff like the the 1980s recession, and that Chretien ad) that lead the downfall of the Progressive Conservative Party in 1993. It's still with us Canadians since it was introduced, but thank God that Stephen Harper and the new Conservatives lowered that tax by 1% and that they're going to lower that again by 1% at the beggining of 2008 (the Liberals promised that they would destroy the GST ath the '90s, but they never did it anyways).
Gahhh! GST pisses me off....
when a girl or a group of girls(freeks) walk buy n a nigga say "them GST"
G - gettin
S - sex
T - onight