
What is Guitarist?


A person who plays guitar.

About 1 in 10 guitarists actually get good at it. The rest learn shitty blink 182 songs to impress their friends. Some of these fuckwads form bands and spread their pathetic music around the world for many idiots to enjoy because they have never heard anything better.

Real guitarists include: Jimmy Page, Steve Vai, Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, John Petrucci, Eric Clapton and many other non ass holes.

1. I have a $10 guitar and know 3 chords! I r teh guitarizts

2. John Petrucci is one hell of a guitarist.

See me


One who plays the guitar... well. No one cares enough to call you a guitarist if you suck, they'll just say that you play the guitar. You have to have some sort of skill level to be adressed as a guitarist.

Eddie Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, Slash, Randy Rhodes, Carlos Santana, Joe Satriani, Kirk Hammett, George Lynch, and Ted Nugent. THOSE are guitarists.


someone who plays guitar, I dunno what all the fuss is about, true guitarists play it cause they love it, and have learned from legends like muddy waters and stevie ray vaughan, most of us are true and real about life, and easy aproachable,

theres tribes within guitarists, based on the the style and veiws of the person playing

stevie ray vaughan is the most brilliant guitarist

See bute


one who plays the guitar...well...not someone who has picked it up by buying the cheapest thing they could find and learn three songs which they play with annoying who actually knows the scales chords and musical theory ( the circle or cycle of fifths etc.)

i dont know who some of these cocky authors are but not all guitarists are rude, and not all guitarists of any genre suck hendrix althought not from a musical background could play from intuition and there are hundreds of great guitarists , paco de lucia Al DiMeola john petrucci, steve vai, eric clapton, jimmy page, carlos santana stevie ray vaughan, eric johnson, yngwie malmsteen, michael hedges, chet atkins, michael angelo batio, george harrison, b.b. king, robert cray, john mayer, buddy guy, bo diddley, joe walsh, joe perry...and im stopping just because im almost out of room... if you recognize 90% of those you are most likely a guitarist or an avid listener

See musician, lead guitarist


a guitarist is someone you plays guitar decently, or at least wants to become decent. in my eyes, you're not a "true" guitarist if you only learned the instrument to score hot chicks, but know only 2 Blink 182 songs. you must be motivated and passionate.

(for those who said guitarists are arrogant)

who's arrogant? they're rich, they're good at what they do. obviously they're proud of themselves. some are assholes yes, but some aren't. people who dont play guitar can be arrogant to...

1. "Yeah man i just learned the chorus to "I miss you" so i can bone Melissa."

"Yeah .. you're like.. such a good guitarist man..."

2. "Hey man, i really want to get a band together so i can get my music out there and hope that people will enjoy my music and can relate to it."

See kurt cobain, jimmy page, lennon


a guy who knows how to touch women and whos hands dont tire easily

'im such a guitarist, she was writhing under my fingers for hours'


A guitarist is a pesron who has a certain background of playing the (guitar). In most bands guitarist are the arrogant ones along with the lead singers. Guitarists are one with there instruments. The are the soul of music and its passion today.

I am a guitarist. I play the guitar; I play the Epiphone Les Paul Standard

See, (Jimmi Hendrix), (Pete Townshead), (Jimmi Page), (B.B King), (Eric Clapton) and more

See bassist, guitar, singer


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