
What is Gum?


something you chew on when your bored in class

i've been chewing 3 pieces of gum for the past 4 periods

See i, love, all, of, gum


A classic physical gag in which one reveals a portion of their stretched scrotal skin with the misrepresentation of it being a piece of chewed "gum."

Brian asked me if I wanted a piece of "gum" last night. I can't believe I fell for that trick again.

See scrotum, nutsack, gum, balls, nuts, gag, stretched


Over the course of the past few years, people have come to consolidate words in accordance to the green movement, and stricter school rules prohibiting homophobic language. So the words "gay" and "bum" have been combined into the ultimate beat down - "gum".

(inside the school hallway)

Kid: Look at that kid wearing the rainbow shoes, what a "gum"!

(teachers pass by)

Teacher: Yes those shoes do look like a niece piece of gum.

See gay, bum, dumbass, gumm, jackass, faggoty, asshole


1. to mess up, to ruin

2. to talk

Don't gum it up. You don't why it does what it does.

See bubblegum, fuck up, gumshoe, gummy


a goulam in the north-east of england

omg- look at that gum picking pennies from the ground

See gum


the act of being cool.

"we're so gum," & "too gum for school."

See gum, chew, cool, friends, amazing


The leading cause for the downfall of western civilization. When chewing gum, people often cant tell your emotions.

See the movie 'Man of the House' for a better example.

See kwijbo


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