Gunny Snipes

What is Gunny Snipes?


A shull-shagging, skunk-molesting, son of a spunk-gibbons uncle.

you are nothing less than a worthless steaming pile of gunny.


An employee of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

Mommy is going to jail because a Gunny Snipes caught me downloading music.

I download my music from SoulSeek which makes those gunny snipes' very angry.


Someone who lives behind their keyboard only to be a legend in their own mind.

Despised by the majority of the internet and everyone in P2P filesharing.

You motherfucking Gunny_Snipes

You n00b, you Gunny_Snipes

You can't defeat me, Gunny_Snipes

I have a life, unlike you Gunny_Snipes

See Athlon


An unoriginal, boring, overused set of insults used by people in IRC channels and internet discussion forums

cliche pansy

Shut the fuck up with those Gunny Snipes, we've heard them all before.

At the end of the day, we're fucking sick of hearing those Gunny Snipes.

You have been kick/banned from #P2PForums for overuse of Gunny Snipes.


Hot Steaming pile of shit

EvilHamsterOfDeath goes to the bathroom to take a Gunny_snipes

See EvilHamsterOfDeath


A clueless, worthless, no-life loser who frequents irc chat channels, web forums, etc and annoys the shit out of everyone.

A Self-proclaimed Lamer.

You are such a gunny snipes.

That is so gunny snipes.

Who are you? a gunny snipes?


The scum of the internet.

Stop being so lame, you're turning into Gunny_Snipes

People in that chat channel are Gunny_Snipes

You're a good person online, unlike Gunny_Snipes.


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