Gut Buster

What is Gut Buster?


were a girl is jammed with a dick so large her belly hurts

bob gut busted jane and she had to go to hospital to have her stomach pumped and when they got home bob told jane how sorry he was from givin the gut buster

See gut, buster, gut buster


A massive dildo over 12 inches long.

"Cat had a bucket fanny once she'd fucked herself with her new gut buster"

See drilldo, dildo, vibrator, tummy tickler


"a meal so delicious you can't stop eating it" Rachael Ray

A Gut Buster is a meal such as BAKED ZITI with fresh mozzerella and spinach.

See delicious, yummo, rachael ray


a fully loaded deep-dish pizza slice, popular at college pizzerias throughout the midwest.

Six beers, two gut busters and a blunt; no wonder she horked.


Def:Some One Who Is a crowd pleaser;funny

Bckgrd:used in tha streetz, slang word 4 funny

That Lil Nigga Was A Gut Buster yo, He Made Me Laugh So Hard I Couldn't breath and then caught cramps kidd!!!!!!!!!!

a clown, someone silly, goofy, comedy


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