
What is Guy?


ont, cdn - Used in the same sense as man, bloke, etc. Origins unclear, perhaps Quebecois.

Hey guy, you wanna go to the pub tonight and watch the hockey game.


used for a normal/bloke-ish kind of boy. orringinates from guy fawks

"that guy is boring"


The coolest name in the world.

Hey man it's guy, that guy is so cool.

See guy, cool, coolest, big penis, awesome


A word that can be used instead of any noun. Especially helpful when for some reason you can't quickly remember the names of things.

Can you grab that guy over there? I need to light this guy.

See guy, noun, verb, grammer, adjective


Everyone and everything is called "guy". The middle-aged and the middle-classes, trendy politicians and wine-bar prats... all desperately seeking cool.

Hip historian: "Adolph Hitler... this guy was bad."

The complete and utter idiot: "Hey guys, like… I'm an idiot, yeah?"

Idiot student describing a harem of seals: "Wow, those guys are so cool."

British mother aping American mother: "hey, c'mon you guys... it's time for school."

See guy, idiot, moron, students, politicians, trendy, prat, cool, middle-class, yeah, like, hey, wow, hip


1. (pronoun): A reference term to a male, similar to man, dude, or bloke.

2. (pronoun): A womanizer that is ten times cooler then you could ever hope to be, and can make love to your girlfriend and talk you out of doing what he just did, and will make love to your girlfriend, and talk you out of doing what he just did.

3. (adjective): Extremely cool, radical, amazing.

1. That guy is an alright guy.

2. Do you see Mick over there lying naked in bed with Tony's girlfriend and Darek's Mom? He is the fucking GUY!

3. Did you hear that? That guitar solo Aaron just played was fucking GUY!

See guy, dude, man, sex, eddie, van, david, lee, roth, mick, art


being a total ass... usually fucking up relastionships for there own gains, or getting women pregnant and run off to mexico

Jeff the guy popped every girls chairy, and got them all pregnant, he denied the pregnancys knowing they were his children and ran off to mexico to have a nice cold brew.

See ass, beer, happy, whore


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