
What is Gwarg?


A term used to describe a person or persons who are easily frustrated by minor tasks, or trivial jobs.

He never wants to do anything, and I'll never get him to take out the trash, Mike is such a gwarg!


A term of frustration and a bit of annoyance, most commonly used in a You-just-sat-down-but-now-you-have-to-get-up-again sort of situation.

Person 1:yes! I finished my math homework!

Person 2: No... you still have three more questions...

Person 1: I do? Gwarg....


a word you can use just about anywhere, like 'whatever' or 'blah'.. esp. when there's nothing to talk about.

(happy first person) "WOWI! momy brought me a taco salad"

(uncaring second person)"Gwarg."


(annoying firt person)"And today, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"

(annoyed second person)"Gwarg."

See gaurav


Gwarg is a term for filling in moments of silence ( as mentioned above. also gwarg is a term to describe the general coolness of somthing, it would be " gwarg wothy" and the extreme of this is " Gwarg to the max"

man one- " dude that concert was so gwarg worthy"

man two- " dude, Gwarg to the max!"

both - " woooo "


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