H Dub

What is H Dub?


Homework; hw; hmwk; homowork

H: the h in "hw"

Dub: slang for the w in "hw"

!!! H + Dub = hw = HOMEWORK

* Usually used in instant messaging


Damn, Ms. Teacherbitch gave a crapload of H Dub today

Doin my H Dub


Halo 2; the sequel to Halo: Combat Evolved.

"Dude, broheim. Wanna play some H Dub and then grab some tacos over at Randy's later?"

"Nah, man. All you like to play is Team SWAT and I hate that shit."

See halo 2, xbox live, randy, broheim


Daddy of Dubya. George Herbert Walker Bush. Ronald Reagan's lap dog.

Gee, I wish that h Dub had gotten a vasectomy, or that Babs had gotten a 'bortion.

See one shot wonder, wimp, dubya, pussy, iraq


A nickname for the city of Harper Woods, MI, a small city bordering northern Detroit.

I just graduated from H Dubs.

See h, dub, dubs, harper, woods


Nickname for the city of Huntington Woods, MI a small suburb of Detriot that borders along the Detriot zoo.

"I'm goin to a house party in the H dub tonight"

See oakland county, 248, detriot, berkley, oak park, Clarita


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