What is Ha Ha, Charade You Are!?


a line in the song "Pigs", from the Pink Floydalbum {Animals]. The band is making fun at British politicians, although the sentiments can be applied just about anywhere.

You bus stop ratbag. Ha Ha, Charade you are!

You fucked up old hag! Ha Ha, Charade you are!

... hand over heart ... I'd say you're a laugh...

but you're really a cryyyyyy-iii-iiiiyyyyyyyyyyy

See roger waters, nick mason, rock'n'roll


Serves you right, tough luck, bite me.

For all I know no one actually know what it means, but this is what the creators of South Park think it means. So.. yea.

Ha Ha, Charade you are! looks like you're the turd now!

See south park, ha ha, cartman


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