Habbo Baby

What is Habbo Baby?


losers with NO LIVES who like to spend their spare time pretending to be a 'baby' on habbo hotel. Spend their time in adoption rooms, after HC parents, speaking with an unnecessary amount of w's in every word to make them sound 'cute' (and some silly fools actually fall for it =S)

Alot of them claim to be 'newborn' which is incredible seen as their parents must have thrown them in the gutter the moment they are born, or died during birth

Classic baby uniform:

Hair: Bunches for girls or BALD

Top: ALWAYS a hoodie, god knows why (can be any colour)

Bottoms: Shorts or a skirt

Bully-victim shoes

Habbo baby: (walking up to a HC) *Wookwesh uwp at woo wiv bwig bwue eyesh awnd smwiles* =]

HC parent: Awwwwwr! hey chick! :D

Baby: *Wavesh a chwubbeh hwand*

HC parent: *scoops u up in my arms and holds u close to me*

Baby: *Sways fwirst ever word* Mwamma!


Me: shut up u two complete virgins *smashes babies head against wall*

Baby: WAAAAA! WAAAAAA! *cwries ickwe hweart out*

HC parent; =O dont be so mean to her! she is only a little baby! *protects ma lil dharlin*

Me: no she isnt! she is ur age! maybe OLDER! why dont u all grow the fuck up and get lives!!!!

See habbo hotel, losers, cock


People who go on Habbo who dress up like a baby and talk with too many w's in their words. Hang around Adoption Centres looking for a (preferably) HC rich 'mwummy' or 'dwaddy'. Sad losers with no lives.


HAIR: Girls: Two pigtails

Boys: BALD.

TOP: Hoodie, ANY colour. Please don't ask WHY they wear a hoodie.

BOTTOMS: Shorts or a miniskirt

SHOES: Bunny slippers

I usually deal with them by

a) being incredibly mean to them in the adoption centre or b) being all nice in the adoption centre, taking them home and torturing them.

NOTE: Do NOT attempt to comprehend the Habbo Baby language without an expert at hand.

EXAMPLE A) (See above)

Habbo Baby: -TwoddleshOverTwoohPwettyWadyAndSmwilesh-

Me: -steals shoes, bangs baby's head on the wall and slaps-

Habbo Baby: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -Cwies Icklesh Hweart Out-

Me:Get a life, loser


(Then I get banned from the room. Oh well-its worth it >:) haha)

Example b)

Habbo Baby: Hewwosh

Me: Oh hi hunny!

Habbo Baby: Will woo adwoptesh mwe?

Me: Of course!Accept friend request.

Habbo Baby: Yay!


Me: -shaves ur hair off-

Habbo Baby: waa ur hurting mwee :(

Me: Shut up! -cuts a slit in ur leg-


Me: Pathetic! -slaps-

Habbo Baby: Mwummy I hwave swomefing twooh twell wooh, and its swo swad I dwont knwow hwow twooh sway it :'O

Me: What?

Habbo Baby: I dwont wantesh twooh bweeh wur chwild any mwore:'( Bwecwause wu hwurt mwe and bweeh mween twooh mwe :'(

Me: SAD!?!?!? That's the best news all day! Good riddance! -craps on u and chucks u in2 da gutter with all the green slime-

These experiences actually HAPPENED to me,believe it or not! Stupid habbo baby noobs

See habbo, n00b, stupid, annoying, dumb


People who go on Habbo and pretend to be babies. Pretty pathetic really. Talk with too many "W"'s in their words and claim to be "Newborn" (some even pretend to be unborn and say to their "Mommies" "Mwe in your twummy") Anyway, they hang around Adoption centres looking for Mommies, they always want H.C mommies and steal their furni and creds, so they can be H.C without even having to pay.

They dress like:

Hair- Bald, or pigtails for girls

Chubby faces with little pink noses

Hoodies (reason- for girls, they have no breasts, boys-no idea)

Shorts or skirt

Bunny slippers

I usually adopt them, then i'm really mean to them. Sometimes they cant stick to being "babies".


Me: Hello little girl, are you newborn?

Habbo Baby: Wessy

Me; Do you need adopted?

Baby: Wessy

Me: Well, too bad sucka! *hits with baseball bat*

Baby: WAAAAAAAH (10 times)


Me: Ewww, what an ugly baby

Baby: Mommy!

Mom: It's okay honey

Baby: *sits in your lap and cries*

Me: Pathetic baby *shoots baby*

Baby: *Kicks to floor* Ha ha

Me: Your the most pathetic baby i've ever seen!


Baby: Will ywou adwopt mwe?

Me: Sure sweetie

Baby: Yaay!

(at home)

Me: *kicks you down stairs*

Baby: Waaaah!

Me: *Jumps on you*

Baby:Mwummy! Stwop! *whacks mummy*

Me: You're crap at pretending to be a baby!

(baby gets kicked)

See pathetic, habbo, babies, so, lame


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