
What is Hack?



1. To program a computer in a clever, virtuosic, and wizardly manner. Ordinary computer jockeys merely write programs; hacking is the domain of digital poets. Hacking is a subtle and arguably mystical art, equal parts wit and technical ability, that is rarely appreciated by non-hackers. See hacker.

2. To break into computer systems with malicious intent. This sense of the term is the one that is most commonly heard in the media, although sense 1 is much more faithful to its original meaning. Contrary to popular misconception, this sort of hacking rarely requires cleverness or exceptional technical ability; most so-called "black hat" hackers rely on brute force techniques or exploit known weaknesses and the incompetence of system administrators.

3. To jury-rig or improvise something inelegant but effective, usually as a temporary solution to a problem. See noun sense 2.


1. A clever or elegant technical accomplishment, especially one with a playful or prankish bent. A clever routine in a computer program, especially one which uses tools for purposes other than those for which they were intended, might be considered a hack. Students at technical universities, such as MIT, are famous for performing elaborate hacks, such as disassembling the dean's car and then reassembling it inside his house, or turning a fourteen-story building into a giant Tetris game by placing computer-controlled lighting panels in its windows.

2. A temporary, jury-rigged solution, especially in the fields of computer programming and engineering: the technical equivalent of chewing gum and duct tape. Compare to kludge.

3. A cheap, mediocre, or second-rate practitioner, especially in the fields of journalism and literature: a charlatan or incompetent.

v1. I stayed up all night hacking, and when I finally looked out the window, it was 8am.

v2. Some script kiddiehacked into the web server and trashed the database.

v3. I didn't have time to do things properly, so I just hacked together something that worked.

n1. A computerized bartender that automatically mixes your drinks and debits your account? Now THAT'S a hack.

n2. This subroutine is just a hack; I'm going to go back and put some real code in later.

n3. That two-bit pulp writer? Ah, he's nothing but a hack.

See Greenie


a person who is a professional at doing some sort of service, but does crappy work.

man, that tattoo shop is full of hacks.

kyle from scv is a hack at installing stereo equipment.


All the definitions here plus:

As an acronymn for Horses Ass Carrying Keys. Prison slang referring to a prison guard.

Put your pig sticker away. The HACK is coming!


A political appointed flunky who either doesn't want to work or who is so stupid they can't work

That new Assistant Commissioner Martha appointed is a real hack.


A taxi driver in any city, not necessarily New York. In NYC, hack can also refer to a livery cab driver (cabs that drive in bad neighborhoods where taxis usually don't).

The TV show Hack takes place in Philadelphia.

See Nutmegger


1.) Short name used for "hacky sack"

2.) The goal achieved when every player within a "hack circle" kicks the hacky sack at least once without letting it touch the ground.

3.) Someone who copies, mimics, or deliberately impersonates other people, or other peoples accomplishments in search of praise.

4.) To infiltrate, destroy, reconfigure, or violate any sort of computer program, website, etc. through use of coding.

5.) To stab, slash, cut, lacerate, etc. repetitively until the object or objects are in multiple pieces.

1.) "Dude, pass me the hack."

2.) "JOHN YOU SUCK!! We almost had a hack!"

3.) "Man...Jimmy is such a hack."

4.) "I'm gonna hack the hell out of that site."

5.) "Whoah, he hacked that thing to hell."

See Saint


A correctional officer (prison guard).

You keep an on the hack while I hide the hooch.


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