What is Hacking?
Hacking is the gaining of access(wanted or unwanted) to a computer and viewing, copying, or creating data(leaving a trace) without the intention of destroying data or maliciously harming the computer.
This represents the Good Guys most of the time for they are the ones who search for these exploits to prevent crackers use a method called cracking(opposite of hacking).
Hacking and hackers are commonly mistaken to be the bad guys most of the time. Crackers are the ones who screw things over as far as creating virus, cracks, spyware, and destroying data.
Subject A : A hacker killed my computer! All my reports are gone and it's due tomarrow!
Subject B : Dude, if you lost all your data, that's probably a cracker that broke into your comp.
Subject A : I'm white you numbskull.
Subject B : No, a cracker destroys your data. A hacker looks at your data.
Subject A : Does it look like I care?
To really,really get inside a female/male while sexual intercourse just to really get something huge out of it.
Jack: I was hacking into Leslie, now I really have what I want. ;) Oh baby.
Using something and change it, and make it do what you want with it.
Commonly used in the opensource communety becose every one can (re)use eatch other source code.
Confusing a computer program to give you access to that machine is also a
Intendedly useing a hack to take over that pc to do your bidding is a
Downloading hacks and try them to gain access to a computer with out knowing that it realy does is a
putting linux on the nintendo DS is a good example of hacking.
the DS was not intended to do it but they made it do it.
A word like 'flipping', just sounds cooler. Most got it from Fred on jkl youtubes big scorers.
David: "Hey, you think those new jackets look cool!"
Ben: "I know! They're hacking awesome!!
To emphasive a different word, or replace the word really.
He makes me so hacking mad!
Thats so hacking awesomist!
Are you hacking kindding me?
Hacking is a broad term used to describe many complex activities wherein the end goal is typically to obtain access to a computer system's servers, database(s), or stored files. This access may be any combination or desired or undesired, and legal or illegal.
Legal and condoned hacking is known as "
Illegal or unwanted hacking is known as "
Not all condoned hacking is legal, however. For example, if Jim's friend challenges him to hack or crack into his home computer, and Jim does so, it is still technically illegal despite the consent of his friend. Legal hacking (in the United States of America) needs to be approved with paperwork and status of employment; hobbyist hacking is generally always illegal.
Techniques for hacking vary intensely, and can incorporate activities including, but not limited to, creating pieces of
Hacking can also refer simply to toying with computers and other electronic equipment in order to get them to do something they aren't supposed to do. This is the original and most true sense of the word, and is usually done for pleasure, amusement, proof of concept, or simply to exercise the brain. This type of hacking is generally harmless, and can even result in advances in current technology.
Unfortunately, the modern
Demographical data for true hackers is difficult to obtain, given their usually secretive nature, however the majority of hacking communities (such as
Most of us around the café here are into hacking, although some just like to watch.
He was caught hacking into a major government computer system and is currently pending trial after being arrested that same day.
A hacker is someone specialised with computers, they don't even have to know how to hack (though alot do because they find security holes).
A cracker is someone who breaks into computers
Linus Torvalds is a great hacker
Kevin Mitwick was a great cracker