Haddon Township

What is Haddon Township?


A rather large trailer park located in South Jersey where hicks, slutty 13 year old girls, wiggers and emo biker fags roam the parking lots of McDonalds, Wendy's and Primo Water Ice. The people of Township are rumored to eat their cereal with Keystone Light instead of your typical bowl of milk. To Township youth, every town surrounding their 2.8 square mile trash pit they call home, is inferior, especially Haddonfield because "they dun be sum rich arseholes and therefour is a bunch of fags, yeehaw tawnsheip!"

Township is basically fail.

Average Human being - "Hello. Where are you from?"

Haddon Township Resident - "TAAAWNHEIP! yeehaw!" (takes swig from flask of whiskey)

See new jersey, white trash, trailer park trash, inferior, to, haddonfield


A small town in South Jersey surrounded by Oaklyn, Collingswood, Haddonfield, and Cherry Hill. If you go to school there, you are most likely going to try some type of drug at one point in your life. If you don't, you are not considered cool, then even if you're not cool and you try it, it doesn't make you any cooler. The major cliques are Preps, Jocks, Skaters, Gamers, Creepsters, Druggies, Artsy Fartsy Kids, Theatre Queers, Primo Crew, Crumbs, Band Geeks, and the Average kids. There are only a select handful of people who are average, most of the school is just a bunch of preps and jocks who verge with the Primo Crew and a little bit of the Theatre Queers. Most of them only care about studying for school and put down people who are in other groups for smoking weed, but every weekend or any day possible, they will drink mass amounts of alcohol and drink and drive and think their shit don't stink. Almost all of the Band Geeks and some of the Theatre Queers smoke weed too. Most of the girls they are cunts, especially because they act like rich snobs. And now the school is starting to gain more and more black people. If you go here you know the main creepy people. You know the kid who will buy your shoes and pay you to step on him and he will film it. You also know the kid who is always riding around town on his bike, skates, or longboard listening to his headphones, tries to dress gangster and skater at the same time, he is also the kid who flipped out on the bus to Hershey Park and spit on the window and sat there and cried.

M: Yo where did you get that 50 dollars from?

P: I got it from that kid John from Haddon Township, for stepping on his back dude.

J: What we doing tomorrow since it's summer?

J: Probably going to end up at Primo in Haddon Township and watching the Primo Crew be fags.

See ht, bitches, hypocrites, fags, weed, beer


A white trash neighbor full of blue collar workers. They are the anus of haddonfield but less shitty then haddon heights. Actually, just as shitty as heights.

Wow! My plumber lives in haddon township.

See shit, crap, dirt, red neck


Haddon township is a great little town, the high school has tons of pride and you will always see fans at the games, whether they are having a good year or not! Haddon Township has much more class then their rival town haddonfield which has a bunch of homos in it.

guy: What you doin today?

ht kid: goin to the haddon township game to root on the team!

See awesome, passionate, intelligent, fun


A small town that consists of a few groups. Most kids either party and get fucked up or play sports and cry when they lose. The town has nothing to do but if you live there you have mad pride in it.

Lets go to Haddon Township and get fucked up!

See township, weed, beer, drugs, sex, sports, hawks, ht


a small town in south jersey that is over run by sports, if you dont do any sports you aren't popular its kinda crazy! its a town that is a huge mix of different styles

preppy, emo, punkish, gothic, sporty but the girls in the higher grades are so catty thet never no when to stop!


wow they're no popular cause they dont do sports, they must be from haddon township

See ht


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