
What is Haldir?


One of the greatest elves to ever walk the realm of Middle Earth, who did NOT die in the books! Haldir was killed cruelly and unjustly by Peter Jackson, which was one mistake in the movies seeing as how Haldir is the best! Other than that he did a great job I think. Played by Craig Parker in the movies. Haldir Lives!!

Haldir of Lothlorien guards the Golden Wood and is much better than Legolas! (XD! No offense, I have nothing against Legolas, I just love Haldir!)


one of the BEST Elves in the Lord of the Rings series. His death was unnecessary, not in the books, and i'm upset for Peter Jackson for making it up and putting it in the Two Towers movie, but life does go on. ANYWAY, Haldir kicks ass. enough said.

"Man,that Haldir is a really cool Elf."


1.) An Elf from the realm of Lothlorien in JRR Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." He meets the Fellowship when it enters Lorien and initially prohibits the Ring from entering the realm. Haldir only appears once in the books (in "The Fellowship of the Ring"), but Peter Jackson gave him a larger role in the films, where he appears in both "The Fellowship of the Ring" and "The Two Towers." In "The Two Towers" he leads an army of Elves to Helm's Deep to aid the people of Rohan. He is killed fighting in the ensuing battle, a notable change from the book. He is played by actor Craig Parker in the films.

2.) There is also brief mention of a Man named Haldir in Tolkien's "The Silmarillion." This Haldir is unrelated to the Elf in LOTR.

1. "Dude! Did you see Haldir's armor in the Two Towers? It's gorgeous as hell!"

"Haldir! To the keep!"

2. "Haldir? That dude in the Silmarillion who people get confused with the Elf in LOTR? Oh yeah, I know him. He died in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears."

See haldir, lord of the rings, lotr, silmarillion, elf, elves


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