Half Life 2

What is Half Life 2?


Unbelievably awesome game.

HL2 beats 700 shades of shite out of Halo 2.


a badass game for PC that has the best physics engine ever. i do wish that all of you jackasses would quit compairing it to halo 2. those two games are in completely seperate realms of each other. PC's and consoles are totally different. both games are great in their own right, but trying to compare the two is like saying that a certain book is better than a completely different movie. thats fucking retarded.

you can get it at walmart or anyplace that sells video games

See joe


simply the god of all and every game that has ever been made. for half life 2 brings shameto all.

dude 1: dude u gat half life 2 yet?

dude 2: no, i just pass up the oppitunity to buy the greatest game of all time so i have more time to masterbate and make fun of the old and retarted.

dude 1: you shuld get it, it rules!

See keiran


The best thing to happen to computers since the cd-rom drive!

"HL2 is un-fucking-believable!"


the absolute greatest thing ever thing ever to occur in cyberspace. the culmination and cultivation of years of work and sweat to build a machine that could play a game as beautiful as this. this is what the creators of the computer strived to create their machine to do. so that one day, a graphically stunning, amazing game could be played on it.

Preacher: ....and lastly, I thank God for Half Life 2.

Church: AMEN!


A truly brilliant modern game encompassing many realistic features never before seen in a game before.Optimised for ATI cards. Wooooow i sound sad. Ah well. HALF LIFE 2 IS GR8

Kikin the Shit Outta Doom 3 in graphics,physics and plot. Geek Power!


What you first play Half Life 2 you are surprised at every turn. Its the enviroment, its the feeling that wow, this level looks like that place I drove past on our trip to LA. OMG i can use the gravity to pick up scanners and use em as buzzsaws, OMG the pulse rifle secondary fire vaporized that guy, OMG i just dropped that car on those zombies, killing them instantly, OMG i can roll nades into gun turret holes, OMG my crossbow bolt pinned the guy to the wall upside down by his leg, or OMG this blue gravity gun can pick up enemies and throw them at other enemies. I know I've played ravenholm about 3-4 times just cause its awesome killing zombies with the Gravity gun.

And look how far Half Life has come, people are still making mods for a 6 year old game. Imagine what they can do with the source engine!? Half Life 2 will last much longer than Halo2 and I bet Microsoft is trying to make Halo 3 as fast as possible so people don't lose intrest in the Halo series. Whereas Valve will take it's time because Half Life 2 isn't gonna lose intrest anytime soon.

Half Life 2 is too special to describe

See Mike


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