What is Half Life?
Half-Life is a revolutionary game for computer; more need not be said.
An element's half life is the period of time it takes for half of the radioactive isotopes to decay. It is
Random_Gaming_Publication: And our game of the year award goes to... Half-Life
The_rest_of_the_word: ... really? *yawn*
Random_Chem_1_teacher: The radioactive half-life of carbon60 is approximately 6000 years.
1 : the time required for half of something to undergo a process: as a : the time required for half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to become disintegrated b : the time required for half the amount of a substance (as a drug or radioactive tracer) in or introduced into a living system or ecosystem to be eliminated or disintegrated by natural processes
2 : a period of usefulness or popularity preceding decline or obsolescence <slang usually has a short half-life>
For americium-241, it is known that half of the atoms decay in 458 years. Therefore, 458 years is the half-life of americium-241. Every radioactive element has a different half-life, ranging from fractions of a second to millions of years, depending on the specific isotope. For example, americium-243 has a half-life of 7,370 years.
The half life of a radioisotope is the time taken for the current level of radioactivity to drop to half that amount. Note that this means radioactive decay follows the curve of a decaying exponential. Oh, as mentioned, it is also somewhat of a revolutionary computer game. "As for the suit, I think you've earned it"
Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. Let's say its radioactivity 'level' at time = 0 is 2. After around 5,730, its radioactivity will be 1, After a further 5,370 years its radioactivity will be 0.5, and after yet another half life, the radioactivty would be 0.25, and so on.
a great pc game or,
going half life is beating the sh*t out of some one with a crowbar
"i'm going to go play half life"
"i'm going to go half life on your ass"
Slang word for smoking weed.
I played so much half life last night that I found reality!