What is Ha;lp Pounce Kite!!!!1!?


The technique by which a Druid kites combo points against a single opponent in the popular online MMORPG, World of Warcraft. The target of the technique is unable to retaliate, often resulting in a delayed and panicked call for HA;LP which is unable to arrive in time.

First developed by the famous Druid, Dajin (last name withheld) of Greymane. Phrase coined by the famous Rogue, Lamninator (last name withheld) of Greymane.

-verb (used with object),

1. to save; rescue; succor: HA;LP POUNCE KITE!!!!1!, there's a PvP Druid tearing me apart!

2. to remedy, stop, or prevent: HA;LP POUNCE KITE!!!!1!, save me from this Druid.


1. means of remedying, stopping, or preventing: HA;LP POUNCE KITE!!!!1! combo is complete, there is no chance of survival.


1. (used as an exclamation to call for assistance or to attract attention.)

See halp, help, kite, pounce, prowl


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