
What is Hangover?


Nausea and headaches often caused by way too much fucking alcohol.

Can be identified by the ashtray in ones mouth,the vomit on last nights clothes,the want to never drink or eat again,the great dislike of sunlight, the undesirealbe urge to apologise to all the people you spent the night with, the stranger in your bed and need for a glass of water and many many asprin

"Where did we go,what did we do, who did we do it with and what did we have done to us?"

"Christ my head hurts I've got a proper bad hangover"

"I'm never drinking again"


The result of heavy drinking of which results in an alcohol blood content that still exists long after drinking because your liver is still trying to cope with the detox.

As a result the liver uses water to metabolize the alcohol, this water is obtained from the body and often the brain which has a high concentration of water, this lack of water that is a result of metabolism causes the membranes in the brain to tighten thus causing the headaches and body aches often are another result

puking can also occur when the body

drinking one night, and not wanting to live hte next day

See Mathews


That annoying period between inebriation. Can also be avoided by continuously consuming alcohol until dead.

I feel so hungover, pass me that bottle of Butterscotch Schnapps, will you?


A chemical imbalance in the brain which produces notable physical discomfort. Can be caused either by too much alcoholic consumption, or too much sex.

Some people prefer water, tea, black coffee (ok, ok, _espresso_), Peptol Bismol, "hangover helper" pills, and the like, but the only real cure for a hangover is time.

Symptoms: headache, physical weakness, extremely upset stomach, and vomit all over the new carpet in your bathroom.

"I stay sober to avoid hangovers."


the effects of going to college

I can not go to class today because I have a major hangover

See hang-over


This is the perfect example of the phrase, “No good deed goes unpunished.”

The good deed: You exposed your body to copious amounts of alcohol in a relatively short time span.

The punishment: Your body expects you to maintain this level of “liquid happy” consumption, and if you don’t (even if only for the duration of a short nap)…it rebels by dishing out every discomfort that it can physically and psychologically implement.

*Individual with hangover holds head firmly in hands to prevent cranial overexpansion, and chews on entire contents of Tylenol bottle while kneeling before the porcelain god*

“Why god? Why? It seemed like such a good idea last night. I promise I’ll never drink again…so long as I live.”

*Washes Tylenol down with a bottle of Pepto-Bismol between dry heaves*

Waking up drunk just isn't the same as going to sleep drunk!

See alcohol, hangover, hang over, hung over, college, party, drunk


what you get after a night of too much bacardi 151

when your brain is starved of water as the water is used for your liver as the alcohol is dehydrating you.

feels great while drinking but then again "good things dont last long"

where theres good theres bad!

person 1: set me the bottle of 151

person 2: u sure you've had 1/2 bottle, tomorrow your gonna be fucked

person 1: who gives a fuck i feel on top of the world

******** NEXT MORNING********

person2: aint you gonna get up its 3pm

person1: im never gonna drink again i feel like shit

person2:your hangover, i told you to calm down on the 151 well im off to the pub

person1: **( pukeeeeeeeeeee)**

See drunk, alcohol, hangover, mashed, beer


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